VW Touareg repair

+ 1. Operation and car maintenance
+ 2. Engine
- 3. Transmission
   + 6-step automatic transmission 09D
   - Hydrotransformer check
      Liquid pumping from the hydrotransformer
      Hydrotransformer installation
      Repair of a drive of gear shifting
      Removal and installation of the handle of the selector
      Check and adjustment of draft of the selector
      Removal and installation of draft of the selector
      Removal and slip installation
      Removal and frame installation
      Removal and installation of an electromagnet of blocking of the N110 selector
      Removal and installation of the switch of the selector (the lever is blocked in the situation "P") F319
      Removal and installation of a drive of gear shifting
      Removal and transmission installation, cars with the diesel R5 engine
      Removal and transmission installation, cars with petrol V6 and V8 engines, turbodiesel engines V6 TDI, V10 TDI and the petrol W12 engine
      Inhaling moments
      Removal and installation of highways and ATF radiator
      Removal and installation of the control unit of an automatic transmission of J217
      Replacement of a sealing ring of a secondary shaft
      Removal and installation of the oil pallet
      Removal and installation of the mesh oil filter
      Removal and installation of the sensor of pressure for hydrosystem 1 in AKP G193 and the pressure sensor for hydrosystem 2 in AKP G194
      Removal and installation of a zolotnikovy box
      Removal, installation and adjustment of the multipurpose F125 switch
   + Mechanical transmission 08D and transfer case Е473
   + Driveshaft
   + Driving mechanism
   + Tables
+ 4. Running gear
+ 5. Steering mechanism
+ 6. Brake system
+ 7. Onboard electric equipment
+ 8. Body
+ electric equipment Schemes

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Volkswagen Touareg / Touareg repair>> Transmission>> Hydrotransformer check>> Removal, installation and adjustment of the multipurpose F125 switch

Fig. 3.80 . Components of the multipurpose switch

Switch the selector in the situation "P".

For descriptive reasons this process is shown on the removed transmission.

Turn off a kolpachkovy nut 4.
Remove a slip 3 from a rod of a choice of transfers.
Carefully unbend back hooks of a lock washer 1 by means of a screw-driver.
If one hook broke – it is necessary to replace a washer.
After that remove a nut 2 and a lock washer 1 from a rod of a choice of transfers.
Disconnect the tip from the multipurpose F125 switch.
Unscrew bolts of B and remove the multipurpose switch from a rod of a choice of transfers.

Installation and adjustment
Establish a lever/rod of a choice of transfers on a transmission in the situation "N".
Connect the multipurpose F125 switch to a rod of a choice of transfers.
Twirl F125 switch Vmnogofunktsionalnogo's fixing bolts by hand.

Fig. 3.81 . Installation of the adjusting device

Establish the adjusting T10173 device on a rod of a choice of transfers (fig. 3.81) .
Disconnect draft of the selector.
Turn the multipurpose switch A so that the nouse of the tip 1 was fixed in a flute of the adjusting T10173 device.
Tighten fixing screws of the multipurpose F125 switch with the moment of 6 N · m.
Now remove the adjusting T10173 device from a rod of a choice of transfers.
Connect draft of the selector.
Further installation is carried out in return sequence.
Check adjustment of draft of the selector
