VW Touareg repair

+ 1. Operation and car maintenance
+ 2. Engine
+ 3. Transmission
- 4. Running gear
   + Wheels and tires
   - Forward suspension bracket
      Stretcher, stabilizer, bottom lever of a suspension bracket
      Removal and stretcher installation
      The disconnected stabilizer
      Pumping of the disconnected stabilizer
      Suspension bracket of forward wheels
      Removal and installation of an amortization rack
      Removal and installation of the sensor of level of a body of G78/G289 on cars with amortization racks
      Wheel support
      Removal of a screw spring
      Installation of a screw spring
   + Back suspension bracket
   + Tables
+ 5. Steering mechanism
+ 6. Brake system
+ 7. Onboard electric equipment
+ 8. Body
+ electric equipment Schemes

Volkswagen Touareg / Touareg repair>> Running gear>> Forward suspension bracket>> Removal and installation of an amortization rack

Fig. 4.67 . Components of a forward suspension bracket: 1–a bolt with a six-sided head; 2–basic arm; 3–самоконтрящаяся nut; 4–sensor of level of a body; 5–a bolt with a six-sided head; 6–top lever; 7–самоконтрящаяся nut; 8–case of the bearing of a nave of a wheel; 9–a bolt with a six-sided head; 10-stabilizer; 11-connecting draft; 12-a bolt with a six-sided head; 13-самоконтрящаяся nut; 14-bottom lever of a suspension bracket; 15-a bolt with a six-sided head; 16-amortization rack; 17-самоконтрящаяся nut; 18-самоконтрящаяся nut; 19-elastic pneumatic element; 20-a bolt with a six-sided head; 21-sensor of level of a body

Remove a wheel.
Turn off connecting draft from the stabilizer.
Turn off a power shaft from the main transfer. For unscrewing of bolts use a nozzle with nominal internal diameter of 12 mm or a nozzle with nominal internal diameter of 14 mm.

Fig. 4.68 . Bolts of fastening of an amortization rack

Turn off an amortization rack from a body (fig. 4.68) .
Turn a wheel nave in situation that one of openings under wheel bolts was above.
Attach T10149 support by means of a wheel bolt.

Fig. 4.69 . Extraction of cross-section steering draft

Squeeze out cross-section steering draft from the case of the bearing of a nave of a wheel (fig. 4.69) .

Fig. 4.52 . Expression of the top lever

Squeeze out the top lever (fig. 4.52) .
Turn off a bolt of fastening of an amortization rack to the bottom lever.
The case of the bearing of a nave of a wheel lower no more, than it is required.
Take a bolt from the bottom lever and take an amortization rack.

Installation is carried out in return sequence.

Inhaling moments
