VW Touareg repair- 1. Operation and car maintenance + General information + Keys and locks of doors, electric steklopodjemnikiya + Governing bodies and control devices + Management of a microclimate + Seats + safety Systems - Maintenance and driving Engine start-up Emergency vynimaniye of the ignition key Start-up of the petrol engine Start-up of the diesel engine Stop of the petrol engine Access without a key Automatic transmission Manual gear shifting – «Tiptronic» (selector) Kik-Down Mechanical transmission Pneumosuspension bracket Regulation of rigidity of a suspension bracket Parking brake Parking Cruise control (GRA) Design features of the off-road car Blocking of differentials Intellectual systems Amplifier of a wheel Catalytic converter Car additional equipment traction coupling device Works in a motor compartment Accumulator (ы) Wheels and tires Onboard tool, spare wheel, shinoremontny set, jack Wheel replacement Safety locks The help at engine start-up Car towage + Tables + 2. Engine + 3. Transmission + 4. Running gear + 5. Steering mechanism + 6. Brake system + 7. Onboard electric equipment + 8. Body + electric equipment Schemes |
Volkswagen Touareg / Touareg repair>> Operation and car maintenance>> Maintenance and driving>> Start-up of the petrol engine Put the selector of an automatic transmission in a position P or N.
Put the lever of a mechanical transmission in neutral situation. Squeeze out against the stop a pedal of coupling and hold her in this situation.
Hold the car on a place by means of a brake pedal.
Turn the ignition key in a position 2
(fig. 1.109)
for engine start-up.
Release the ignition key when the engine was got – the starter should not rotate at the working engine.
After start of very hot engine it is necessary to press a little on a gas pedal.
After start of the cold engine it will work for some time with the increased noise as pressure of oil in hydrojacks of klapanny gaps is still insufficiently great. This normal phenomenon, and it should not disturb you.
If it is not possible to get at once the engine, follows through 10 сприостановить process of start-up and to repeat it in half-minute. If the engine again is not got, it is necessary to check the fuse of the electric drive of the fuel pump.
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