VW Touareg repair

- 1. Operation and car maintenance
   + General information
   - Keys and locks of doors, electric steklopodjemnikiya
      Set of keys
      Remote control by locks
      Central lock
      Keys of the central lock
      Children's lock
      Security alarm system
      Back door
      Opening and closing of windows
   + Governing bodies and control devices
   + Management of a microclimate
   + Seats
   + safety Systems
   + Maintenance and driving
   + Tables
+ 2. Engine
+ 3. Transmission
+ 4. Running gear
+ 5. Steering mechanism
+ 6. Brake system
+ 7. Onboard electric equipment
+ 8. Body
+ electric equipment Schemes

Volkswagen Touareg / Touareg repair>> Operation and car maintenance>> Keys and locks of doors, electric steklopodjemnikiya>> Security alarm system
Operation of the security alarm system
The security alarm system includes the Protection mode in attempt of ill-intentioned penetration into the car.
Thanks to system of the security alarm system unauthorized penetration into the car, theft and stealing are complicated. The system includes sound and light alarm signals in attempt to unlock the car a mechanical key or to open the car in a different way.
The security alarm system turns on automatically when locking the car and at once starts to operate.
The security alarm system includes the Protection mode when at the locked car carry out the following actions:
– unlock the car a mechanical key;
– open one of doors;
– open a cowl of a motor compartment;
– open a back door;
– include ignition;
– in salon movement is noted;
– attempt to ship the car on the car wrecker is carried out.
Thus during 30 with sound signals move and turn indexes blink.

Car unlocking by a mechanical key (the compelled unlocking)
If remote control or access without a key failed, and it is necessary to unlock the car a mechanical key, it is necessary to make the following:
– to cast away a key small beard for what it is necessary to press the button;
– to unlock a door of the driver. The security alarm system remains active, however does not include the Protection mode;
– during the subsequent 30 with to include ignition. At ignition inclusion the anticreeping system identifies the allowed key and деактивирует the security alarm system. If ignition is not included, through 30 with the ambassador of unlocking of a door the Protection mode will join.
Protection mode inclusion
Switching off of the Protection mode occurs by pressing of a key of unlocking of a radio key, and also when the driver undertakes the door handle at access without a key and at key insertion in the ignition lock.

If after Protection mode inclusion again there is an invasion into one of protected zones (for example, after opening of a lateral door open a back door), the Protection mode joins again.
Security to the alarm system remains efficient also when the storage battery is disconnected or incapacitated.

Supervision over internal space of the car and protection against loading on the car wrecker
For shutdown of supervision over internal space of the car and protection against loading the car wrecker press a key. In a key the control lamp lights up.
Then press a key for disconnection of protection from loading the car wrecker. In a key the control lamp lights up.
During 30 with lock the car. Supervision over internal space of the car and protection against loading on the car wrecker will be disconnected before the following locking of the car.

Fig. 1.16 . Keys for shutdown of supervision over internal space of the car and protection against loading on the car wrecker

Supervision over internal space cars and protection against loading on the car wrecker (an inclination sensor) turn on automatically at turning on of the security alarm system.
Supervision over internal space of the car should be switched off, for example, when for short time in the locked car leave a pet, otherwise movements of an animal will cause Protection mode inclusion.
Protection against loading should be disconnected, for example, when loading car on the car wrecker.
Before each locking of the car it is necessary to disconnect again supervision over internal space cars and protection against loading on the car wrecker as they at each locking of the car are automatically activated.
