VW Touareg repair

- 1. Operation and car maintenance
   + General information
   + Keys and locks of doors, electric steklopodjemnikiya
   + Governing bodies and control devices
   + Management of a microclimate
   - Seats
      Adjustment of head restraints
      Forward seats
      Electroadjustment of provision of a steering wheel
      Folding and return to a place of a back of a back seat
   + safety Systems
   + Maintenance and driving
   + Tables
+ 2. Engine
+ 3. Transmission
+ 4. Running gear
+ 5. Steering mechanism
+ 6. Brake system
+ 7. Onboard electric equipment
+ 8. Body
+ electric equipment Schemes

Volkswagen Touareg / Touareg repair>> Operation and car maintenance>> Seats>> Electroadjustment of provision of a steering wheel
The provision of a steering wheel can бесступенчато be regulated on height and a tilt angle.
Correctly adjust a seat of the driver.

Fig. 1.92 . The button for electroadjustment of provision of a steering wheel

In pressing of the button on a steering column (fig. 1.92) establish a steering wheel in the necessary situation.
Electroadjustment of a steering column is possible only at the switched-off ignition.

During movement keep a steering wheel both hands on each side in situation «on 9 and 15 h». Never keep a steering wheel in situation «on 12 h» or somehow differently (for example, for the middle). Otherwise at disclosure to an inflatable pillow you risk to be traumatized hands and the head.

Manual adjustment of provision of a steering wheel
The provision of a steering wheel can бесступенчато be regulated on height and a tilt angle.
Correctly adjust a seat of the driver.

Fig. 1.93 . The lever 1 for manual adjustment of provision of a steering wheel

Cast away the lever 1 (fig. 1.93) under a steering column down.
Establish a steering wheel the necessary situation.
Then reliably draw in the lever 1 again up.

The wrong provision of a steering wheel and seat can cause heavy traumas.
To avoid dangerous situations, regulate the provision of a steering wheel only on the motionless car.
