VW Touareg repair+ 1. Operation and car maintenance - 2. Engine + Preliminary checks on the car + Mechanical part (petrol engines 3,2L) + Mechanical part (petrol engines 4,2L) - Mechanical part (diesel engines 5,0L) Engine removal + Removal and stretcher installation + pressurization System (diesel engines) + cooling System (petrol engines) + cooling System (diesel engines) + greasing System (petrol engines) + greasing System (diesel engines) + injection System (petrol engines) + injection System (diesel engines) + System of production of the fulfilled gases + System топливоподачи (beninovy engines) + Tables + 3. Transmission + 4. Running gear + 5. Steering mechanism + 6. Brake system + 7. Onboard electric equipment + 8. Body + electric equipment Schemes |
Volkswagen Touareg / Touareg repair>> Engine>> Mechanical part (diesel engines 5,0L)>> Engine removal
Switch off ignition and all electric consumers.
At first disconnect the storage battery under a driver's seat.
Then disconnect the second joint stock bank which is in a luggage carrier, in deepening for a spare wheel.
Remove the right and left levers of a screen wiper.
Remove a cowl sealant from a forward wall.
Remove covers And, In (at existence) and With in a motor compartment and the D water taking away box
(fig. 2.136)
Disconnect the small tip A from the control unit of the engine and disconnect the mass plug of a plait of wires
(fig. 2.137)
Open a cover of the block of safety locks, at the left in a water taking away box and disconnect shtekerny connections And, In and About
(fig. 2.138)
To Izvlekta a plait of wires from a water taking away box also put it on the engine.
Remove soaking-up pipeline between the air filter and an inlet branch pipe on both parties.
Cars with alphabetic references of the engine AYH, BKW
Disconnect вакуумопроводы – shooters – the valve of system of a retsirkulyatsiya of OG and the amplifier of brakes, and also shtekerny connection And a lambda probe of G39 of the first row of cylinders
(fig. 2.139)
Disconnect вакуумопровод (see
fig. 2.140
) the valve of system of a retsirkulyatsiya of OG, and also shtekerny connection And a lambda probe of 2 G108 of the second row of cylinders.
Cars with BLE and BWF engines
Disconnect вакуумопроводы 1 vacuum servo-driver of a bypass cover (to put marking on tubes before a detachment) and the amplifier of brakes 2
(fig. 2.141)
Disconnect the following shtekerny connections and disconnect a cable from the following components
(fig. 2.142)
1-6-the contact socket (black) for G39 lambda probe;
2-6-the contact socket (brown) for a lambda probe of 2 G108;
3-2-the contact socket (black) for the air temperature sensor before a turbonagnetatel of G507;
4-2-the contact socket (brown) for the sensor of air temperature 2 before a turbonagnetatel of G499.
Continuation of assembly operations for all cars
Disconnect shtekerny connections
(fig. 2.143)
of candles of an incandescence of cylinders of the first and second row.
Fix racks of shock-absorbers how it is shown in
drawing 2.144
, by means of the spring tightening VW 552 adaptation.
Turn off the top fastenings. amortizatorny racks.
Remove a noise isolation.
Pump out a coolant.
Merge cooling liquid.
Disconnect a tube
(fig. 2.145)
from a radiator of transmission oil below on the right. Substitute capacity under following oil.
Then disconnect the pipeline A from an oil radiator for hydrosystems below at the left. Put capacity under following oil.
Remove a connecting tube of nadduvochny air B of the first and second row of cylinders
(fig. 2.146)
Turn off and remove a collar
(fig. 2.147)
of a connecting tube of the air filter of the first and second row of cylinders.
Remove hoses of system of cooling of the engine
(fig. 2.148)
and lay in such a way that at installation and engine removal they were not pressed.
Disconnect cables of a starter And and the generator B and put them on the engine
(fig. 2.149)
Rasklipsuyte pipeline of system of ventilation of a transmission
(fig. 2.150)
Disconnect the tip from the air temperature sensor on an admission G42 and from the sensor of a mass consumption of air G70 In first the row of cylinders
(fig. 2.151)
Disconnect the tip from the sensor of a mass consumption of air A – G246 And and from the sensor In air temperatures on an admission – G299 In second the row of cylinders
(fig. 2.152)
Disconnect a tube
(fig. 2.153)
of the compressor of a pneumatic suspension bracket on the case of the air filter.
Remove both top parts of the air filter upward.
Open a collar and take a tube of hydrosystem of A.Postavte capacity under following oil. Turn off tubes of a contour of central air In from the conditioner compressor
(fig. 2.154)
Cars with alphabetic references of the engine AYH, BKW
Remove топливопроводы (see
fig. 2.155
) from the fuel filter.
Separate catalytic converter and the additional exhaust silencer, remove system of release of OG.
Cars with BLE and BWF engines
Remove топливопроводы (see
fig. 2.156
) from the fuel filter.
Separate the protivosazhevy filter and an exhaust pipe, remove system of release of OG.
Continuation of assembly operations for all cars.
Remove the heatinsulating screen of the steering mechanism and the kardanny hinge.
Disconnect shtekerny connections on a transmission and a transfer case, turn off a hummock drive of the lever of the selector.
Remove the back driveshaft.
Remove a cross-piece of a transmission And
(fig. 2.157)
Disconnect brake tubes on the shown place
(fig. 2.158)
Put capacity under following brake liquid.
Disconnect all shtekerny connections between a body and a forward axis in wheel niches.
Prepare an assembly table of VAS 6131 for performance of further operations.
Establish a support 1 at the left and a support 2 on the right (shooters show in the movement direction) on an assembly table of VAS 6131 and fix bolts on the following positions:
– the left support 1 – A5, B4 and B5;
– the right support 2 – G4, H4 and H5.
Fix support 3 and 4 on an assembly table in the following positions:
– the left support 3 – А6 and С6;
– the right support 4 – F6 and H6.
Unscrew plates of support 3 and 4 down.
Establish support 5 for a stretcher and 6 for the transmission console in the corresponding positions on an elevating table.
The engine and transmission after removal is necessary for disconnecting from each other.
Remove a shumovibroizolyatsiya under an oil case.
Remove collars of a cable of a starter.
Turn off and remove bolts of a transmission And.
Through an opening in the oil pallet
(fig. 2.160)
turn off six bolts of a reducer. For this purpose twist the engine for a damper by means of a countersupport of T10172 and a being applied bolt of T10172/2.
Establish support 7 for a transmission support in the corresponding positions on an assembly table and unscrew plates of support completely down.
Suspend directly ahead of lifting of an assembly table emphasis in advance turned out in the highest situation for V-shaped 10, 8 and 6-cylinder engines of the Touareg VAS 6131/8 car in an opening of a flange of a transmission how it is shown in
drawing 2.161
Bring horizontally leveled assembly table under the power unit. Support 1 and 2 are necessary for entering at the left and on the right into the corresponding nests
(fig. 2.162)
At the same time enter support 6 for a transmission cross-piece at the left and on the right into the corresponding openings.
When all four support are fixed in reception openings without pressing, if necessary correct emphasis height for V-shaped 10-, 8-, and 6-cylinder engines of the Touareg VAS 6131/8 car by means of nuts with a nakatka and fix a support in D7 position on an assembly table.
Unscrew both plates of support 3 and 4 with an emphasis in levers so that it was possible to remove the spring tightening VW 552 adaptation suspended for an insurance.
Enter support 5 into the corresponding nests on a stretcher, if necessary adjust height of support by means of a nut with a nakatka.
Fix a stretcher on a body
(fig. 2.163)
Weaken bolts of a stretcher 2 and 3, and also cross-pieces of a transmission 4.
If the stretcher was not fixed, weaken bolts of a stretcher 1
(fig. 2.164)
Instructions on installation
Installation is carried out in return sequence.
Thus it is necessary to consider the following:
check existence in the block of cylinders of adjusting plugs for engine/transmission centering, if necessary insert plugs.
Again connect all pipelines, hoses and electric tips which were disconnected at removal.
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