VW Touareg repair+ 1. Operation and car maintenance - 2. Engine + Preliminary checks on the car + Mechanical part (petrol engines 3,2L) + Mechanical part (petrol engines 4,2L) + Mechanical part (diesel engines 5,0L) + Removal and stretcher installation + pressurization System (diesel engines) + cooling System (petrol engines) + cooling System (diesel engines) + greasing System (petrol engines) + greasing System (diesel engines) + injection System (petrol engines) + injection System (diesel engines) + System of production of the fulfilled gases - System топливоподачи (beninovy engines) Replacement of the fuel filter Fuel pumping from a tank Removal and installation of the module of supply of fuel, fuel level sensor and ezhektsionny pumps Check of power supply of pumps Electronic regulation of engine capacity (electronic drive of an accelerator) Absorber with absorbent carbon (cars with an alphabetic reference of the AZZ, BKJ, BMV and BRJ engine) Absorber with absorbent carbon (cars with an alphabetic reference of the BAA and BMX engine) + Tables + 3. Transmission + 4. Running gear + 5. Steering mechanism + 6. Brake system + 7. Onboard electric equipment + 8. Body + electric equipment Schemes |
Volkswagen Touareg / Touareg repair>> Engine>> System топливоподачи (beninovy engines)
The connection plan топливопроводов and details in a fuel tank
Security measures at work in a power supply system
With a view of safety before depressurization of a power supply system it is necessary to remove safety locks 13 and 14 from a block of safety locks as the fuel pump can be involved at operation of the contact switch of a driver's door.
Safety locks 13 and 14 are in a block of safety locks in the switching block, in the left part of a water taking away box.
At removal and installation of the fuel level sensor or the fuel pump (the module of supply of fuel) from the full or partially filled fuel tanks it is necessary to consider:
Before the beginning of works near an assembly opening of a fuel tank follows establish an exhaust hose of the included installation of an extract of OG. If exhaust installation for removal of OG is absent, it is possible to apply the centrifugal fan (the engine should settle down away from an air stream) with productivity of 15 m3 / h.
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