VW Touareg repair

+ 1. Operation and car maintenance
- 2. Engine
   + Preliminary checks on the car
   + Mechanical part (petrol engines 3,2L)
   + Mechanical part (petrol engines 4,2L)
   + Mechanical part (diesel engines 5,0L)
   + Removal and stretcher installation
   + pressurization System (diesel engines)
   + cooling System (petrol engines)
   + cooling System (diesel engines)
   + greasing System (petrol engines)
   + greasing System (diesel engines)
   + injection System (petrol engines)
   + injection System (diesel engines)
   + System of production of the fulfilled gases
   - System топливоподачи (beninovy engines)
      Replacement of the fuel filter
      Fuel pumping from a tank
      Removal and installation of the module of supply of fuel, fuel level sensor and ezhektsionny pumps
      Check of power supply of pumps
      Electronic regulation of engine capacity (electronic drive of an accelerator)
      Absorber with absorbent carbon (cars with an alphabetic reference of the AZZ, BKJ, BMV and BRJ engine)
      Absorber with absorbent carbon (cars with an alphabetic reference of the BAA and BMX engine)
   + Tables
+ 3. Transmission
+ 4. Running gear
+ 5. Steering mechanism
+ 6. Brake system
+ 7. Onboard electric equipment
+ 8. Body
+ electric equipment Schemes

Volkswagen Touareg / Touareg repair>> Engine>> System топливоподачи (beninovy engines)>> Electronic regulation of engine capacity (electronic drive of an accelerator)

Fig. 2.319 . Components of a pedal of an accelerator: 1–basic arm; 2–tip; 3–bolt of 10 N · m; 4–the sensor of provision of a pedal of an accelerator of G79 with the sensor of 2 provisions of a pedal of an accelerator of G185

Principle of action of an electronic drive of an accelerator
The provision of a pedal of an accelerator is transferred to the engine control unit via two sensors of provision of a pedal of an accelerator (variable resistors; are established in one case) which are connected with an accelerator pedal.
The provision of a pedal of an accelerator (depends on actions of the driver) is for the control unit of the engine in the main entrance size.
The drive of a butterfly valve is carried out by means of the electric motor (the butterfly valve servo-driver) in the module of management of a butterfly valve, namely in all range of turns and loadings.
The butterfly valve is put in action by the servo-driver on signals from the engine control unit.
At the muffled engine and the included ignition the control unit of the engine operates the butterfly valve servo-driver, in accuracy corresponding to data from the sensor of provision of a pedal of an accelerator. It means that when the pedal of an accelerator is squeezed out half, and the servo-driver equally opens a butterfly valve; in that case the butterfly valve will be also open approximately half.
At the working engine (under loading) the control unit of the engine can open and close a butterfly valve, irrespective of the sensor of provision of a pedal of an accelerator.
So, for example, the butterfly valve can be already completely open, though the pedal of an accelerator is squeezed out only half. Advantage of this scheme is that losses are prevented at a drosselirovaniye on a butterfly valve.
Besides, at certain loadings the best indicators concerning harmful emissions and fuel consumption are noted considerably.
The control unit the engine, analyzing size of a necessary torque for various components (e.g. climatic installation, an automatic transmission, ABS/ESP.), counts for this or that situation an optimum angle of opening of a butterfly valve.
