VW Touareg repair
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Volkswagen Touareg / Touareg repair>> Engine>> Greasing system (diesel engines)>> Check of level of engine oil
Marks on masloizmeritelny щупе
1–max mark.
2–min mark.
a–A piece over the shaded field to max mark: Engine oil not to add.
b–The current level in the shaded field: engine oil can be added.
c–A piece from min mark to the shaded field: to add engine oil, but no more than 0,5 l.
Amount of filled-in oil
Without the oil filter: 11,2 l.
With the oil filter: 11,5 l.
Oil pipelines in the oil pallet
Establish oil pipelines A how it is represented in
drawing 2.263
, and tighten B bolts with the moment of 8 N · m.