VW Touareg repair+ 1. Operation and car maintenance + 2. Engine - 3. Transmission + 6-step automatic transmission 09D + hydrotransformer Check + Mechanical transmission 08D and transfer case Е473 + Driveshaft - Driving mechanism Removal and installation of a power shaft Dismantling of a power shaft Assembly of a power shaft + Tables + 4. Running gear + 5. Steering mechanism + 6. Brake system + 7. Onboard electric equipment + 8. Body + electric equipment Schemes |
Volkswagen Touareg / Touareg repair>> Transmission>> Driving mechanism>> Removal and installation of a power shaft
Before removal weaken a dvenadtsatigranny nut.
Remove a wheel and raise the car.
Turn off a power shaft from the main transfer. For untwisting of bolts use T10099/1 nozzle.
Squeeze out cross-section steering draft from the case of the bearing of a nave of a wheel
(fig. 3.174)
Squeeze out a power shaft.
Thus watch sufficient freedom of a course of hinges.
Turn a wheel nave in situation that one of openings under wheel bolts was above.
Attach T10149 support by means of a wheel bolt
(fig. 3.175)
Squeeze out the top lever
(fig. 3.176)
Turn off a bolt of fastening of an elastic pneumatic element to the bottom lever.
Turn off fastening of a brake hose from the case of the wheel bearing.
Turn off connecting draft from the stabilizer.
Take a bolt from the bottom lever.
Lower the case of the wheel bearing so that became possible take a power shaft.
Take a power shaft
(fig. 3.177)
At start in a mass production kleeny power shafts were replaced with shaft without glutinous connection. At detection on the car of a kleeny power shaft it is necessary to execute three following operations in addition.
Clear shlitsa of the hinge and a nave of the remains of a carving varnish.
Restore a metal surface and degrease shlitsa of the external hinge and a nave.
Put on a shlitsa of the external CV JOINT a carving varnish of D 154 000 A1.
Further installation belongs to both power shafts, thus to pay attention to the following.
Enter the external CV JOINT as it is possible further in shlitsevy connection of a nave.
By means of the adaptation for an inhaling of T10206 tighten a power shaft against the stop
(fig. 3.178)
Remove the adaptation for T10206 inhaling.
Further installation is carried out in return sequence.
Inhaling moments
Power shaft to a flange of the main M10 broadcast – 50 N · m +90 °;
Power shaft to a flange of the main M12 broadcast – 90 N · m +90 °;
Power shaft to the nave bearing on cars with 16’’ wheels (use a new nut) – 200 N · m;
Power shaft to the nave bearing on cars with 17 ’’/18’’ wheels (use a new nut) – 500 N · m;
The top lever to the bearing case (use a new nut) – 95 N · m.
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