VW Touareg repair
1. Operation and car maintenance
2. Engine
3. Transmission
6-step automatic transmission 09D
hydrotransformer Check
Mechanical transmission 08D and transfer case Е473
Marking of a transfer case
Marking of forward main transfer
Marking of reverse main gear
General instructions
Electric / electronic components and places of their installation on a transfer case
Removal and installation of governing body of a transfer case of E473
Removal and installation of the control unit of a transfer case of J646
Removal of a transfer case
Installation of a transfer case
Laying of a ventilating tube on a transfer case
Replacement of a rezinometallichesky support of an arm of a transmission
Check of level of oil in a transfer case
Removal and installation of sealing rings of a flange of a shaft of selection of capacity/driveshaft and electric motor of a transfer case
Replacement of a sealing ring of a flange of a shaft of selection of capacity / the back driveshaft (the transfer case is established)
Removal of the electric motor of a transfer case of V253
Installation of the electric motor of a transfer case of V253
Check of level of oil in the main transfer of a forward axis
Driving mechanism
4. Running gear
5. Steering mechanism
6. Brake system
7. Onboard electric equipment
8. Body
electric equipment Schemes
Volkswagen Touareg / Touareg repair
Mechanical transmission 08D and transfer case Е473
Marking of a transfer case
Marking of forward main transfer
Marking of reverse main gear
General instructions
Electric / electronic components and places of their installation on a transfer case
Removal and installation of governing body of a transfer case of E473
Removal and installation of the control unit of a transfer case of J646
Removal of a transfer case
Installation of a transfer case
Laying of a ventilating tube on a transfer case
Replacement of a rezinometallichesky support of an arm of a transmission
Check of level of oil in a transfer case
Removal and installation of sealing rings of a flange of a shaft of selection of capacity/driveshaft and electric motor of a transfer case
Replacement of a sealing ring of a flange of a shaft of selection of capacity / the back driveshaft (the transfer case is established)
Removal of the electric motor of a transfer case of V253
Installation of the electric motor of a transfer case of V253
Check of level of oil in the main transfer of a forward axis
Alternatively «09D» at some options of the engine the mechanical transmission «08D» also is established to an automatic transmission.