VW Touareg repair
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Volkswagen Touareg / Touareg repair>> Running gear>> Forward suspension bracket>> Removal of a screw spring
Compress a spring so that to release the top cup of a spring.
Turn off a six-sided nut from a piston rod.
Fig. 4.80
. Removal of a twisted spring: 1–graggers (usual); 2–T10001/14; 3–T10001/11; 4–T10001/5; 5–VAS 6046; 6–VAS 6046/3
Remove separate details of an amortization rack and a spring by means of a coupler of a spring of VAS 6046 and the holder of springs of VAS 6046/3
(fig. 4.80)
At first compress a spring so that to unload the top cup of a spring.
Fig. 4.81
. The correct provision of a spring in the holder
Watch the correct provision of a spring in the holder of VAS 6046/3
(fig. 4.81)