VW Touareg repair

+ 1. Operation and car maintenance
+ 2. Engine
+ 3. Transmission
+ 4. Running gear
- 5. Steering mechanism
   - Repair of the steering mechanism
      Removal and installation of a steering column
      Removal and installation of a sealing cuff
      Removal and installation of a drive of the amplifier of a steering
      Removal and installation of steering draft
      Krylchaty pump, 5-цил. diesel engine
      Removal and installation of the krylchaty pump, 5-цил. diesel engine
      Removal and installation of the krylchaty pump, 6-цил. diesel engine
      Removal and installation of the krylchaty pump (6-цил. petrol engine)
      Pumping of system of a steering and check on tightness
      Check of system of a steering on tightness
+ 6. Brake system
+ 7. Onboard electric equipment
+ 8. Body
+ electric equipment Schemes

Volkswagen Touareg / Touareg repair>> Steering mechanism>> Repair of the steering mechanism>> Removal and installation of the krylchaty pump, 6-цил. diesel engine

Fig. 5.30 . Components of the krylchaty pump: 1–krylchaty pump; 2–remenny pulley; 3–the screw with an internal shestigrannik; 4–holder; 5–the screw with an internal shestigrannik; 6–hollow bolt; 7–sealing rings, 16 x 22; 8–pressure head hose; 9–a soaking-up hose; 10-spring collar

Replace sealing rings.
The merged oil any more do not use.
Oil for hydraulic systems. spare part G 002 000 No.

Provide free space for access to all moving and hot components.

At performance of all installation works, in particular in a motor compartment, because of dense configuration pay attention to the following.
Lines of all types, for example fuel, hydraulic, tank system with absorbent carbon, systems of cooling, a coolant, it is necessary to lay the pipelines being under depression, and electric lines how they were laid originally.

Fig. 5.31 . Decorative cover

Carefully remove a decorative cover from 4 lock bolts (fig. 5.31) .
Mark the direction of a course of a poliklinovy belt.
Remove a poliklinovy belt.

Fig. 5.32 . Untwisting of a pulley of a poliklinovy belt

Turn off bolts, thus hold a pulley of a poliklinovy belt by means of a tsapfovy key 3212 (fig. 5.32) .
Press soaking-up pipeline by means of clips for a hose to 25 mm and remove from the krylchaty pump.
Unscrew a hollow bolt.

Fig. 5.33 . Fastening of the krylchaty pump

Unscrew bolts and take the krylchaty pump from fastening (fig. 5.33) .

Installation is carried out in return sequence, thus it is necessary to consider the following.
Fill the krylchaty pump with oil for hydrosystems.
Oil fill in through soaking-up branch pipe of the krylchaty pump.
Turn a nave by hand until oil does not leave on the pressure head party.
Establish the krylchaty pump into place, thus at first tighten forward bolts.

Fig. 5.34 . A contour of a poliklinovy belt (атомобили with 6 cylinder diesel engine): 1–a pulley of klinoremenny transfer – the three-phase generator; 2–by-pass roller; 3–by-pass roller; 4–a pulley of klinoremenny transfer – the pump of system of cooling; 5–a pulley of klinoremenny transfer – the krylchaty pump of the amplifier of the steering mechanism; 6–a pulley of klinoremenny transfer – the conditioner compressor; 7–tension roller; 8–a pulley of klinoremenny transfer – a cranked shaft

Establish poliklinovy a belt and check pulleys of a belt drive on a distortion (fig. 5.34) .

At installation of a poliklinovy belt watch correctness of its landing in pulleys.

Pump over steering system.
Check oil level. hydraulic system and if necessary add.
Check steering system on tightness.

Inhaling moments
Pulley of klinoremenny transfer on the krylchaty pump – 25 N · m.
Hollow bolt to the krylchaty pump – 35 N · m.
The Krylchaty pump to fastening – 25 N · m.

Use new sealing rings.
