VW Touareg repair+ 1. Operation and car maintenance + 2. Engine + 3. Transmission + 4. Running gear - 5. Steering mechanism - Repair of the steering mechanism Removal and installation of a steering column Removal and installation of a sealing cuff Removal and installation of a drive of the amplifier of a steering Removal and installation of steering draft Krylchaty pump, 5-цил. diesel engine Removal and installation of the krylchaty pump, 5-цил. diesel engine Removal and installation of the krylchaty pump, 6-цил. diesel engine Removal and installation of the krylchaty pump (6-цил. petrol engine) Pumping of system of a steering and check on tightness Check of system of a steering on tightness + 6. Brake system + 7. Onboard electric equipment + 8. Body + electric equipment Schemes МКПВ 10 20 32 3⪖⪃ подробнее. Манипулятор сварочный смотри здесь. |
Volkswagen Touareg / Touareg repair>> Steering mechanism>> Repair of the steering mechanism>> Check of system of a steering on tightness
Start the engine.
Turn a steering wheel in both parties against the stop and quickly to fix. As a result of it in system the maximum pressure (is created only at single turns).
In such situation is necessary for checking on a detail leakage listed below.
Sealing ring of a gear wheel on the valve the case of the steering mechanism.
All connections of pipelines.
Sealing rings of a gear lath.
This check is carried out only at the boots shifted back.
Open a boot collar.
Shift a boot back. If in the case of the steering mechanism and/or in boots oil is visible, it is necessary to replace the steering mechanism.
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