For the correct adjustment of a door it is necessary to weaken the door hinge on a rack. Other measures, for example a door tightening up, are inefficient. At the subsequent loading the door again will give.
For these purposes use a key for adjustment of a door 3320 together with a nozzle for 3320 3320/2.
If necessary to turn off the top hinge of a door on a rack And from within it is possible to use a nozzle adapter 3320/1. The forward panel should be for this purpose removed.
At installation of a new external covering of a door the framework of hinged units is not mentioned.
The back edge of an external covering of a door is established above approximately on 2 mm concerning a door, the size a
(fig. 8.25)
After installation of a framework of hinged units the door falls on these 2 mm.
Adjustment of a loop of the lock
Weaken a lock 1 loop, having weakened bolts 2 on B rack
(fig. 8.26)
For adjustment of a forward door the car should be on the earth.
The description of adjustment is provided only for the right forward door. Adjustment of the left door is carried out similarly.
The forward door should be closed completely without additional efforts and not be unsteady to ("play").
After adjustment of a loop of the lock a door should not press up or down.
To regulate a loop of the lock it is possible if the forward door is not joined to the back.
Adjust a forward door at, having adjusted a lock 1 loop so that the forward door in the closed condition was joined with back (noise for the speed will be gone).
Tighten bolts of 2 loops of the lock 1.
Inhaling moments: bolts (2) 20 N · m.