VW Touareg repair+ 1. Operation and car maintenance + 2. Engine + 3. Transmission + 4. Running gear + 5. Steering mechanism - 6. Brake system - General information Plate example with car data Forward brakes Back brakes Check of brake system Pumping of brake system Pumping (main) Additional pumping Sequence of pumping Removal and installation of a potentiometer of a course of a membrane of the amplifier of brakes of G420 Removal and installation of the vacuum pump of brakes of V192 Removal and installation of the sensor of pressure of the amplifier of brakes of G294 Removal and installation of the main brake cylinder Removal and installation of the amplifier of brakes Repair of brake pipelines Repair of brakes of forward wheels, brake support of Brembo 17’’ (1LC) Removal and installation of brake shoes Repair of brakes of back wheels, brake support of FN 44 Removal and installation of brake shoes Adjustment of the parking brake Adjustment of brake shoes on two wheels Check of a free wheeling of the lever of the pedal parking brake Removal and installation of the lever of the pedal parking brake Removal and installation of back brake cables Detachment of a pedal of a brake from the amplifier of brakes Connection of a pedal of a brake with the amplifier of brakes Removal, installation and adjustment of the switch of signals of braking Anti-blocking system (ABS) + Tables + 7. Onboard electric equipment + 8. Body + electric equipment Schemes |
Volkswagen Touareg / Touareg repair>> Brake system>> General information>> Removal and installation of brake shoes
Mark brake shoes if they are be used repeatedly. They should be established back on the places, differently there will be an unevenness of distribution of brake forces between wheels.
Remove wheels.
Press on holding spring in the arrow A direction while on it it will be possible to press from an opening in the arrow B direction
(fig. 6.26)
Turn holding spring 1 clockwise while it will be impossible to take it from the top opening
(fig. 6.27)
Disconnect shtekerny connection of 1 indicator of wear of brake shoes
(fig. 6.42)
Take a cable of the indicator of brake shoes from the holder 2 on a brake support.
Remove the lower part of the tip 3 indicators of wear of brake shoes and a cable of the sensor of frequency of rotation 4 of the holder on a brake support.
Remove caps
(fig. 6.43)
Turn off and take both directing fingers from a brake bracket.
Remove a brake support and to strengthen it a wire so that it in the weight did not press on a brake hose and did not damage it.
Take brake shoes.
Clear a basic surface of brake shoes in a bracket holder, remove corrosion.
Cleaning of a brake support.
For cleaning of a brake support use only alcohol.
Before pressing pistons into the cylinder by means of the special device, it is necessary to pump out brake liquid from a tank. Otherwise in a case долива liquids it can flow out and cause damages.
Press pistons by means of the T10145 tool
(fig. 6.44)
Brake shoes which are established for a certain direction движенияв the established condition on a reverse side of a brake shoe should show down (in the direction of rotation of a brake disk)
(fig. 6.45)
Establish a brake shoe with holding springs in the piston
(fig. 6.46)
Establish an external brake shoe in a bracket holder.
Fix a brake support two directing bolts on a bracket holder.
Establish both caps.
Press a cable of the sensor of frequency of rotation 4 in the holder on a brake support.
Connect tips 3 and 1 of the indicator of wear of brake shoes in the holder on a brake support.
Fix a cable of the indicator of wear of brake shoes in the holder 2 on a brake support.
Establish holding spring in the top opening, then turn clockwise.
Establish the bottom holding spring on a bracket holder.
Then press holding spring at first in the direction of an arrow A and then at the same time in an opening of a brake support in the arrow B direction
(fig. 6.26)
Establish wheels.
After replacement of blocks check level of brake liquid.
Inhaling moment
Brake support to a bracket holder: 30 N · m.
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