VW Touareg repair

- 1. Operation and car maintenance
   + General information
   + Keys and locks of doors, electric steklopodjemnikiya
   + Governing bodies and control devices
   + Management of a microclimate
   + Seats
   + safety Systems
   - Maintenance and driving
      Engine start-up
      Emergency vynimaniye of the ignition key
      Start-up of the petrol engine
      Start-up of the diesel engine
      Stop of the petrol engine
      Access without a key
      Automatic transmission
      Manual gear shifting – «Tiptronic» (selector)
      Mechanical transmission
      Pneumosuspension bracket
      Regulation of rigidity of a suspension bracket
      Parking brake
      Cruise control (GRA)
      Design features of the off-road car
      Blocking of differentials
      Intellectual systems
      Amplifier of a wheel
      Catalytic converter
      Car additional equipment traction coupling device
      Works in a motor compartment
      Accumulator (ы)
      Wheels and tires
      Onboard tool, spare wheel, shinoremontny set, jack
      Wheel replacement
      Safety locks
      The help at engine start-up
      Car towage
   + Tables
+ 2. Engine
+ 3. Transmission
+ 4. Running gear
+ 5. Steering mechanism
+ 6. Brake system
+ 7. Onboard electric equipment
+ 8. Body
+ electric equipment Schemes

Volkswagen Touareg / Touareg repair>> Operation and car maintenance>> Maintenance and driving>> Onboard tool, spare wheel, shinoremontny set, jack
The onboard tool, spare wheel or shinoremontny set, demountable spherical support of the traction coupling device are in a luggage compartment under the falshpoly.

Fig. 1.134 . Luggage compartment: elevating фальшпол

That it was more convenient to take out a spare wheel or the tool, it is possible to insert a support in lifted фальшпол.

Onboard tool

Fig. 1.135 . The onboard tool is in a luggage compartment under the falshpoly. Some from the tools shown here are delivered only with certain executions of the car

Into the onboard tool enter:
1. A screw-driver with a shestigrannik in the handle for a vyvertyvaniye and a vvertyvaniye of wheel bolts. Working body of a screw-driver the replaceable. The screw-driver is inserted into a wheel key;
2. An adapter for bolts-sekretok;
3. A rolled towing eye;
4. Wrench of 10 x 13 mm;
5. A wire stripper for removal of wheel caps or caps of wheel bolts;
6. The tool for removal of headlights;
7. An assembly pin for simplification of installation of wheels;
8. Wheel key;
9. Jack. Before putting a jack in a tool box, it is necessary to screw a jack paw completely. Then it is necessary to put the handle to a jack.
The demountable spherical support of the traction coupling device is under the tool.

Adapter for bolts-sekretok
It is recommended to carry always with itself an adapter for bolts-sekretok together with the onboard tool.
At an end face of an adapter code number of wheel bolts-sekretok is beaten out. At an uter of an adapter according to this number it is possible to order a new adapter. Write down code number and store record separately from the car.

Harmonious spare wheel

Fig. 1.136 . The fixed harmonious spare wheel

To take out a spare wheel lift фальшпол and substitute under it a support (fig. 1.136) .
Unscrew a makhovichok rotation counter-clockwise.
Take out a spare wheel.

The harmonious spare wheel is intended for this car. It cannot be replaced with other harmonious wheel or to put on other model of the car. It is fair and concerning harmonious wheels of other models of cars.
On a disk of a harmonious spare wheel it is impossible to mount normal tires.
Make sure that the harmonious spare wheel and the onboard tool are reliably fixed in a luggage compartment.

Shinoremontny set
(Diameter to 4 mm), especially in a racetrack, it is possible to eliminate small punctures by means of a shinoremontny set.

By means of a shinoremontny set it is possible to eliminate leakage of air from not tight tire and to pump up it.

Tire sealing
Take out a sticker «max. 80 km/h (50 mph)» from a set also paste it in sight of the driver on the forward panel.
Do not take out a foreign matter (for example, the screw or a nail) from the tire.
Remove a cap from the gate and by means of a special screw-driver for a zolotnik, entering into a set, turn out a zolotnik and lay it on a pure place.
Pour out in the tire all hermetic of capacity. Follow indications of the enclosed management.
Remove capacity from the gate and screw a zolotnik in the gate.
Screw against the stop a hose for a compressor rating on the tire gate.

Fig. 1.137 . Probes for accession of cables from the auxiliary accumulator at engine start-up

Connect the compressor to probes for connection of the auxiliary accumulator (fig. 1.137) .
Red clip of a cable of the compressor to plus «+», a black clip to a minus «–». Arrange a cable from the compressor so that it did not concern rotating details in a motor compartment.
Start the engine and turn on the compressor.
Check, whether the carving stopper for production of air on a manometer is wrapped.
The compressor should pump up the tire to pressure from 2,5 to 3,5 bar. Switch off the compressor the latest through 10 mines the compressor should not overheat. If necessary pressure in the tire is not present, therefore, damage of the tire is too great. To make the tire again tight it was not possible. Remain on a place and look for the help.
If it was possible to create in the tire pressure from 2,5 to 3,5 bar, at once begin movement, however speed should not exceed 80 km/h.
Through 10 mines of movement check pressure in the tire.
Again connect a compressor hose (see above) and consider the manometer indication.
If after 10 mindvizheniye pressure is lower 1,8 bar, stop the car and address on the next car repair shop.
If after 10 mines of movement pressure is higher 1,8 bar – correct pressure in the tire to nominal (see a sticker).
Move with a speed no more than 80 km/h to the next shinoremontny workshop.
Repair or replace the damaged tire.
The Shinoremontny set is intended only in order that at damage of the tire to reach the next shinoremontny workshop. Repair or replace the damaged tire. Follow indications of the management enclosed to a set.
The Shinoremontny set can be used at temperature to–20 °C.
Watch a set expiration date. On expiry date or after use of a set address in the service enterprise Volkswagen and replace capacity with hermetic.
The Shinoremontny set contains:
– hose;
– capacity with hermetic;
– compressor;
– a manometer (with a carving stopper for production of air);
– a sticker with the high-speed prevention;
– guide to using.

Tire sealing
Take out a sticker «max. 80 km/h (50 mph)» from a set also paste it in sight of the driver on the forward panel.
Do not take out a foreign matter (for example, the screw or a nail) from the tire.
Remove a cap from the gate and by means of a special screw-driver for a zolotnik, entering into a set, turn out a zolotnik and lay it on a pure place.
Pour out in the tire all hermetic of capacity. Follow indications of the enclosed management.
Remove capacity from the gate and screw a zolotnik in the gate.

Fig. 1.138 . The right forward seat with the union for hose accession

Screw one end of a hose on the tire gate, and other end screw on the union under the right forward seat (fig. 1.138) .
Start the engine.
Check, whether the carving stopper for production of air on a manometer is wrapped.
Press a rychazhok under a manometer.
Leave the engine to work until pressure in the tire will not reach size from 2,5 to 3,5 bar. If necessary pressure in the tire is not present, therefore, damage of the tire is too great. To make the tire again tight it was not possible. Remain on a place and look for the help.
If it was possible to create in the tire pressure from 2,5 to 3,5 bar, at once begin movement, however speed should not exceed 80 km/h.
Through 10 mines of movement check pressure in the tire.
Connect again a hose to the gate of the tire and to the union (see above).
Consider the pressure indication in the tire on a manometer.
If after 10 mines of movement pressure is higher 1,8 bar – correct pressure in the tire to nominal (see a sticker).
Move with a speed no more than 80 km/h to the next shinoremontny workshop.
Repair or replace the damaged tire.
