Remove cam-shafts.
Take roller levers together with basic elements and put them on a pure surface.
It is forbidden to interchange the position of roller levers and basic elements.
Unscrew spark plugs a candle key of 3122 B.
Bring the piston of the corresponding cylinder into «the bottom dead point».
Insert the assembly adaptation for valves 2036 with plates adapters 2036/1 and level their situation.
Twist the T40012/1v adapter a candle well, connect the standard adapter to the pressure head pipeline and continuously to submit pressure. The minimum superfluous pressure should make the 6th bar.
Dismantle springs of valves by means of the lever for dismantle of springs of VW valves of 541/1 A and VW 541/6 opravka
(fig. 2.82)
Got stuck konusny elements weaken in easy blows of a hammer on the assembly lever.
Remove maslosjemny caps by means of a stripper 3364.
To avoid damage of new maslosjemny caps, to get on a valve core a plastic cover of A.
Grease a working edge of a maslosjemny cap of B with engine oil, insert into the adaptation for a napressovka 3365 and accurately to press into directing plug
(fig. 2.83)
Establish cam-shafts.
Adjust gazoraspredeleniye phases.